Sunday, September 20, 2015

Earth Quake!!!

On September 16, there was a major earthquake north of Santiago Chile!

Tell us about the earthquake:

"I felt it. It was pretty strong and long, by far the strongest I have felt, but not strong enough to do any damage.  Just to scare a lot of people, as it was long and pretty strong. We were in the street for the first one and you could just see the power lines moving like crazy and it felt like we were on the boat in the lake on rough waters. Surprisingly, it didn't scare me and I felt really calm just some of the older people outside were freaking out. Then the second one we were in a house and you could see everything move. Since then there has been serveral small ones, but that is normal here. I'm just glad everyone is okay, but in the north a lot of people are struggling, as with the tsunami a lot of people lost everything and a few went missing. Please pray for them."

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