Monday, October 19, 2015

Week #64 *October 19, 2015

Hey everyone,

Sorry. This is going to be another short letter, as I am running out of time again.  This week has been just awesome. We have been working a lot with Loreto, to prepare her for her baptism this Saturday She is doing just so good.  She is so excited and there is just a light in her eyes.  We finished all of the lessons this week and she had her interview. Please pray for her and her family. She wants them to be there so bad and they are still thinking about it.

Alejandra is also doing good. Her whole family is reading every day.  I am so happy as she wasn’t reading at all before.  She is still struggling with a few things preparing for her baptism, but we are trying to work with her daughter Nicol who is a convert, to know what to teach her so she can help us with the lessons and prepare to maybe go on her own mission someday.

This week we had another miracle lesson, as we got to teach the family of a missionary who is serving in Mexico.  The whole family participated,  even the father who didn’t want anything to do with the church before.  They were so open and asked us to come back this week.  I am so happy for their daughter and want for them so badly to be able to receive this gospel as well so they can be sealed in the temple when there daughter gets back.

We are working with a few other people, but I have just run our of time so I will have to write more next week.  

Please pray for Marjorie this week she wrote me today telling me that he now understands why I told her that she had to stay strong and that she would pass for hard times, as she has distanced herself a little from the church.  It is just so hard to be a convert.  I don’t know what is going on but she could really use your prayers.

I Love you!

Hermana Stringham

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